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Hi, I am Chandler

Chandler Stewart

Machine Learning Engineer

I am currently an electrical engineer who has dedicated the last year to self-study and application of predictive modelling tools, concepts, and applied statistics, with the goal of making machine learning the main emphasis of future career opportunities and growth.



Mott MacDonald

June 2019 - Present, Boston, MA

Mott MacDonald is an international engineering consultancy. It largely focuses on widescale infrastructure.

Electrical Engineer II

July 2020 - Present

  • Coordinate electrical team members on multi-billion-dollar electrical infrastructure projects.
  • Interface with developers, independent service operators, and regulatory bodies on proposed offshore wind projects.
  • Conduct ampacity studies for proposed underground cables.
Electrical Engineer I

June 2019 - June 2020

  • Modelled three-dimensional high voltage equipment in AutoCAD.
  • Developed Python scripts to automate day-to-day tasks.
  • Conducted grounding and lightning studies for proposed substations.

Student Media Assistant
UMaine Online

August 2016 - January 2019, University of Maine

UMaine Online is a portion of the University of Maine focusing on online classes/degrees and IT services.

  • Worked with Adobe Suite, such as Premiere, After Affects, Photoshop, and Illustrator.
  • Worked with professors to create engaging online course content for students.
  • Exercised researching skills for content, within bounds of copyright laws.


Age Guesser
Developer August 2021

A model trained on the APPA-REAL database to guess the age of a portrait of someone.

Telecom Customer Churn Prediction
Developer Jun 2018 - Present

A customer retention project to predict potential contract-cancelling customers.


Data Scientist Professional Course by Practicum
Practicum by Yandex September 2021

Awarded after 580 hours of a professional course spanning 9 months